Rex Theater, Pittsburgh, PAA momentary distraction at the start of Hitchock's set led him to begin his show with covers of Jimi Hendrix' "Are You Experienced?" and Scott McKenzie's "San Francisco" and to declare that the '60s were still going on, he was the same 16-year-old he was in 1969, and that the current year was actually "1960-44."
post continues....His choice of old material was terrific: "Swirling," "She Doesn't Exist," and "Queen Elvis," particularly.
When he concluded the main set, he announced that he would be performing the encore in the lobby of the theater (a converted movie house). Naturally, we in the audience thought it was yet another whimsical Hitchcockian statement, but damned if he didn't play a four-song encore on an old baby-grand in the lobby with the entire audience crowded around. Following those four songs, he dashed back into the theater proper, grabbed his acoustic guitar, and played another two songs with no amplification whatsoever: "Sleeping With Your Devil Mask" as a sing along and the terrific new "Full Moon in My Soul."Labels: Brad Yoder, PA, Pittsburgh, Rex Theater, Robyn Hitchcock