Cloaca Melodia

My life in concerts, by Mike Sauter.


Violent Femmes

Birch Hill, Old Bridge, NJ

I met coworkers Jon, Betsy, and I believe also Amy to grab a bite before going to see the Femmes. However, by the time we got to the Birch Hill the place was absolutely packed, wall-to-wall. As a matter of fact, it was uncomfortably packed. Probably fire-code-violating packed.

post continues....

After just a few songs, we all decided it would be best to head out of there. That was easier said than done, and it took awhile to accomplish. We eventually made out way to a door to the back patio, and from there to the connecting door to the dance club at the Birch Hill site. So we busted a move through the sparsely-populated dance floor to get to the main entrance and fled the scene.

Disappointing not to see the whole set, but due to the enormous time it took to move through the crowd, we likely saw at least have the set despite our decision to depart.

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Blogger Staplegun Funaro said...

I believe they opened their set by blowing an enormous shofar? I remembered it being packed too, but I was still a teenager then & didn't mind being sweated on quite as much as I do now!

4:17 PM  

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